General terms and conditions of use for the website

(Public Area)

This website with the address (hereafter referred to as Website) is the exclusive property of Silmax S.p.A., with registered office in Lanzo Torinese (Turin), VAT Number 00500710017 and Registration Number in the business register of Turin n. TO-258691 (hereafter referred to as Silmax).

These general terms and conditions of use (hereafter referred to as General Terms and Conditions) govern the Website navigation of the users who access the Website (hereafter referred to as Users), in its public area (hereafter referred to as Public Area) and in its reserved area (hereafter referred to as Reserved Area).

By accessing the Website, the Users confirm that they have read these General Terms and Conditions and accept them by navigating on the Website. Silmax authorises the Users to use the information services and other services made available to the Users through the Website under the conditions specified hereafter.

  1. Intellectual Property

1.1 SILMAX’s name and logo, as well as its trademarks, also de facto, used to distinguish Silmax’s products, even in acronym form, are the exclusive property of Silmax. Photos, graphics, drawings, descriptions and, in general, all the Website content, both as single data set and as database (and thus their collection and arrangement) are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of Silmax, (hereafter referred to as Protected Content). 

1.2 By accessing the Portal, the User is exclusively authorised to view, download and print the Protected Content for purposes solely related to the use of the Website. 

1.3 It is forbidden to copy, distribute, publish, download, view, send by electric or mechanical means, transmit, register, duplicate, photocopy or reproduce the Protected Content in any form, without the prior written permission of Silmax. In the same way, it is forbidden to reproduce, duplicate, extract a copy, sell, resell and use the Protected Content for any commercial purposes. It is also forbidden to use the Protected Content and, in particular, Silmax’s name or trademarks, as meta tag or any other “hidden text”.

  1. Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy

2.1 The collection of the Users’ personal data via the Website, (carried out during Website access and navigation and when using Silmax’s services made available to Users via the Website) and their processing are made in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and any implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation. The Data Controller is Silmax. 

2.2 The terms and options available for the download of cookies are included in the cookie policy, (HERE LINK TO THE COOKIE POLICY) and the descriptions of the procedures and purposes are specified in the privacy policy pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR, (HERE LINK TO THE PRIVACY POLICY).

  1. Public Area of the Website

3.1 The access to the Website and its content in the Public Area is open to all interested Users. The Public Area is intended for information purposes about Silmax and its products and services. 

3.2 The Public Area offers services to contact Silmax, as well as services to receive Smilax’s newsletters periodically and, more in general, Silmax’s information material. 

  1. Reserved Area of the Website

4.1 The Reserved Area of the Website is intended for Users who have or may have a commercial relationship with Silmax. It contains services suitable for some stages of this relationship. 

4.2 The access to the Reserved Area is exclusively dedicated to professional users (hereafter referred to as P-Users) and it is subject to their registration on the Website and to prior consent of Silmax, granted by the provision of access credentials. The authorisation to access the Reserved Area is subject to specific prerequisites, which must be verified by Silmax at its unquestionable discretion. No claim can be made if Silmax denies consent.

  1.  Use of Services and Content

5.1 Services and content – both those of the Public Area and those of the Reserved Area – are usable free of charge. Users undertake not to employ them in a different way from what has been expressly authorised or for different purposes compared with those for which they have been prearranged and made available. Without prejudice to what is set forth in Art.1 for Protected Content, it is in any case forbidden to reproduce, duplicate, extract a copy, sell, resell or utilise the services and content for any commercial use not related to the purposes for which the Website has been created. 

5.2 By holding harmless and discharging Silmax from any and all claims and liabilities of any kind and nature, the User undertakes to use the Website, its related services and content and any other data and/or information included herein, exclusively for lawful purposes, in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions and, in general, with the applicable provisions of law, integrally accepting any and all possible civil and/or penal liabilities departing from the illicit use of the above and/or from the infringement of any applicable regulations, including those regarding cybersecurity.

5.3 All information available in the Website does not constitute a contract proposal or an offer to the public with regard to the products and/or services described, pursuant to Art. 1336 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be considered as binding for any transactions or commercial relationship.

5.4 The Website may contain links to other websites or other resources of the internet network. The User acknowledges and recognises that Silmax cannot in any case be held responsible for any failure of such resources or for the content and/or also advertising material disseminated on such websites or external resources or for the products and services offered therein.

5.5 At any time, Silmax is entitled to make amendments to the services and content published on the Website. 

  1. Warranty, Applicable Law and Competent Court.

6.1. Silmax guarantees the full compliance of the Website, content and information services with the provisions applicable to companies based in Italy and addresses the Users from other countries, who recognise the Website as licit and lawful and in compliance with the Italian law. 

6.2 These General Terms and Conditions and the relationships between Silmax and the User are interpreted and governed in accordance with the Italian law.

6.3 All possible disputes that may arise between Silmax and the Users connected or however related to the interpretation and execution of the General Terms and Conditions, as well as to the use of the Website are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan, Italy.

Lanzo Torinese, 8/11/2021 

Silmax SpA

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