Industrial sectors


Cutting tools for the aeronautical sector

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Aeronautics and aerospace industry

In a sector with growing perspectives, Silmax presents a wide range of tools designed to meet the highest quality standards, strict tolerances and the certifications required by the aviation and aerospace industries.

Since the 1980es, Silmax has gained a solid and recognised experience as a leading company in the aeronautical market, providing highly customised solutions for the aviation industry, both for components and for different materials, such as:

  • Superalloys for engine components    
  • AAISI, PH, Titanium for structures
  • Aluminium, Magnesium and Composite Materials for other parts

In this sector, Silmax has been working for many years as a specialised and reliable interlocutor, proposing a large number of HM, as well as HSS solutions, which are particularly suited to machine heat-resistant alloys, (Inconel, Inconel 718, Inconel 625, Waspaloy, Nimonic, Incoloy), high-hardness and composite materials (Kevlar, aeronautical sandwich composites, composite fibers, etc.).

Thanks to these abilities, Silmax cooperates with the leading Italian and international aircraft manufacturers in the development of important programmes, such as:

  • EFHA, F35, C27l for the LEONARDO Group, Aircraft Division, (former ALENIA)
  • BOEING 767, 777, 787 and ATR for the BOEING Group
  • C-Series for the BOMBARDIER Group
  • AW169, AW101, AW189, AW609 and NH9 for the AGUSTAWESTLAND Group, Helicopters Division.
  • In addition, Silmax is certified as a DIRECT MATERIAL SUPPLIER (CRITICAL TOOLS) for the GE Avio Group.

Silmax cooperates with the leading Italian and international
aircraft manufacturers in the development of important programmes

Leonardo Logo

EFHA, F35, C27l, Leonardo Group, Aircraft division (ex ALENIA).

Boeing Logo

Boeing 767, 777, 787 e ATR, Boeing Group.

Bombardier Logo

C-Series, Bombardier Group.

Agusta Westland Logo

AW169, AW101, AW189, AW609 e NH90 Agusta Westland Group Helicopters division.

Avio Logo Grigio

Aeronautical Division Engine parts, Genx, Leap X, GP7000.

Customer in the aeronautical sector

Piaggio Aerospace Logo
Logo Mig Migoyan Gurevich
Premium Aerotek Logo
Pratt Whitney Logo
Mecachrome Logo
Gkn Logo
Eurocopter Logo
Airbus Group Logo
Ellena Logo
Russian Helicopters
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Logo
Meccanica Innovativa Logo
Maini Precision
Vsmpo Avisma Logo
Ural Boeing Logo

The most important projects

PolandWing actuator and engine partsSS404, Aluminium, Inconel, TitaniumHM roughing and finishing end mills (115 series, 118 series, Titainox line)
ItalyEngine partsInconelHM special end mills Z4 similar to 113 and 118 series
GermanyStructural partsAluminiumHSS Special tools
FranceEngine parts, avionic elementsInconel and TitanioHM special tools D.16-20-25mm with CR, similar to Titainox line
RussiaLanding gearTitaniumHSS M42 special tools D.50mm for roughing
RussiaEngine partsTitaniumHSS M42 special cutters D.40mm Z6 for finishing
Russia Aero structure components and engine partsAluminium, Stainless Steel and exotic materialsHM special end mills for finishing, similar to standard 113EV, 175 and ball nose cutters
IndiaAero structure components and ITP Engine partsTitanium and InconelHM standard tools Titainox series and special tools for Inconel
IndiaEngine parts and leap partsInconel e nickelHM standard tool 118 series
RussiaLanding gear TitaniumHSS M42 special tools D.50mm for roughing

PVD Coatings

Relying on the experience gained during its thirty-year partnership with Oerlikon Balzers, in 2013 Silmax opened a new factory dedicated to PVD coating (physical vapour deposition) in its premises of Lanzo Torinese, with an INGENIA plant using Oerlikon Balzers technology and a robotised,  ultrasound washing system.

Today, there is also a new PVD INNOVENTA kila unit, which, thanks to its advanced technology with latest-generation software and its high production capacity, reduces coating times, and to meet all needs for PVD coating of tools and for R&D activities.

Find out more about the available coatings by visiting the PVD Coatings page.

Machining of aerospace components using tools with Balinit® Tisaflex Coating

Silmax presents an absolute novelty: Balinit® Tisaflex, Balzers coating produced by Silmax with INGENIA systems by Oerlikon Balzers at its Italian factory. Balinit® Tisaflex is the best solution for machining difficult-to-cut materials, for high mechanical resistance steels, chrome steels and tempered steels over 60HRC. Find out more in the dedicated page.


  • Optimised structure: a structure optimised by an AlTiN/TiSiXN-based double layer, a combination that offers ductility, higher hardness and resistance to oxidation and wear.
  • Reduction of micro cracks and chipping: defined stress profile that reduces the formation of microcracks and improves resistance to chipping. 
  • High thermal resistance: the coated tool can withstand the high temperatures on its cutting edge, which have been developed during machining.
  • Reduction of wear: a significant reduction of wear with a consequent extension of tool life, which is crucial in finishing operations.
  • Balinit® Tisaflex: machining of aerospace components.
Tisaflex Aerospace Tabella 1

Mills Ø10 mm

Nickel alloy 2.4650,
(UNS N07263, NIMONIC® C- 263)

Cutting Parameters
Vc = 40 m/min
Fz = 0,09 mm/tooth

Tisaflex Aerospace Tabella 2

Chamfer milling Ø12 mm

Nickel alloy 2.4650,
(UNS N07263, NIMONIC® C- 263)

Cutting Parameters
Vc = 64 m/min
Fz = 0,05 mm/tooth

Trattamento Silmax 4s

Silmax Super Shiny Surface (4S) Treatment

The OTEC 4S treatment for a superfinishing of the cutting-edge surface, before and after the coating process, is studied to guarantee: 

  • Extension of tool life
  • Increase of cutting parameters
  • Extreme design of cutting geometries
Super Offer for Mold End Mills!

Super offer on tools 1142, 7725, 7725S, 7726, 7726S, 07210, 06210, 07220 and 06220 from the Mold line.


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Promotion valid up to 31/12/2025.
+39 0123 940301 [email protected]
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