Blog Oct 2022

Solar panels in Silmax: a sustainable and tangible approach

Pannelli Solari Silmax

Silmax is also at the leading edge in the development of renewable energy sources with a concrete green approach in the exploitation of new technologies.
For some time now, the company has been running a programme to renew its energy coverage. In 2019, before the outbreak of the pandemic, the Lanzo Torinese company had drawn up a plan to install an extensive system of photovoltaic panels to cover a large part of its energy needs. Thus demonstrating vivid foresight on the economic scenario we are currently experiencing, where energy independence is proving to be not only a strategic asset but a real necessity. Three years later, that project sees the light of day.

A way to lower production costs, in line with the energy efficiency policy that our government, in line with the European Union, is pursuing. And in line with the success of photovoltaics (the only renewable energy sector that is always growing, as also attested by Anie Rinnovabili with the data provided by Terna, which in the first quarter of 2022 sees a 185% increase in power produced compared to the same quarter of 2021).
The data provided by the company speak of 1298 panels (385 Wp each) exploiting an area of over 2500 square metres, for a total power output of about 500 kW.
These panels, capable of collecting energy even with low solar irradiation, have been installed both above the roof of one of the two factories and in the surrounding lawn. The resulting savings are around 20% of energy costs, for a major investment by Silmax of around 1 million euros; the system will be in operation from October.
In order to continue its eco-sustainable approach, Silmax has also decided to install recharging columns for electric cars (T2 sockets of 22Kw each), capable of ‘filling up’ in 2/3 hours (depending on the battery capacity of the vehicle).

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