Gun drills and accessories

Technical Data Selection

Diameter of cutting edge
Corner Radius
Cutting length
Neck Relief Length
Overall Length
Punte Cannone Dettagli


A. High-quality hardened and tempered steel tube
B. V-shaped head seat
C. Micrograin k15 substrate optimal for a large variety of materials
D. Double hole for coolant starting from diameter 8
E. Reinforced cutting edge

Special gun drills

Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Cuspide Saldobrasata

Solid-carbide, single-flute gun drills

The tool is made of a single lump of metal, composed of a small carbide cylinder that can be matched with a brazed steel clamping sleeve in the final part of the tool. This solution ensures particularly safe and efficient processes, as well as a longer tool life, thanks to the reduced torsional oscillations.

  • Diameter range: 0.7 – 12.0 mm with 1/1000 mm increases
  • Maximum length: 600 mm
  • Tool usable length 80 – 100 x D
Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Metallo Duro Integrale

Single-flute gun drills with brazed drill head

It is the most commonly used solution in the market, developed with more elements brazed together. The tool is composed of a carbide drill head, a body (shank) and a clamping sleeve made of hardened and tempered steel. It is a very versatile type of tool, as it enables an endless number of customised versions in terms of diameters, lengths and clamping sleeves.

  • Diameter range: 1.9 – 50.0 mm with 1/1000 mm increases
  • Length up to 6000 mm
  • Usable tool length: 40 – 50 x D
Silfast Service

Our services

In addition to standard solutions, Silmax can also develop special solutions to meet your requirements, in consideration of the material to be machined and the particular drilling conditions. These solutions include the creation of specific geometries, step drills or reaming tools, with possibility of combining them with one of the numerous coatings we make in-house. All tools can be coated in-house by Silmax.

Silfast Service

Silmax offers its customers the possibility to have special tools with fast delivery time, 7 days from order receipt, for single-flute, brazed drills, with standard drill head and without coating.

  • Available diameters
    2.5 – 13.5 in 0.1mm steps.
  • Maximum length
    1500 mm including clamping sleeve.
  • Typology of clamping sleeve
    Download table.
  • Quantity
    Up to a maximum of 5 pieces for each single diameter required.

The service entails an extra charge compared to products with standard delivery time. For all other diameters that are not included in this range, delivery times are standard.


GUN 5300

5.0 Anti-vibration drilling bushes standard version

GUN 5451

5.1 Anti-vibration drilling bushes reinforced version

GUN 5520

Vulkollan sealing discs

Technical information

Cooling lubricants

Guidelines for an appropriate choice of the products to be used and their optimal values of use.

A cooling lubricant is one of the most important elements in the use of gun drills: an accurate choice and a correct management can bring considerable advantages in terms of tool yield and performance.

The application of a well-performing filtration system is also recommended, as it is also fundamental for an optimal management of the whole process of deep-hole drilling.

Silmax Gun Grafico Lubroferfrigeranti Punte A Cannone
Legend X

Drill diamteter in mm

Legend Y

Cooling lubricants (reference values)

Legend Dot Yellow

Coolant pressure in bar

Legend Dot Gray 400

Cooling lubricant quantity in l/min

Required conditions

Conditions required for an optimal drilling: neat oil or emulsified water with a concentration of 10-12%. In both cases, it is preferable to use products with specific additives for deep-hole drilling.

Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Cuspide Saldobrasata

HM drills

7 – 10 mm2/s (Ø 0,8 – 2,0)
10 – 12 mm2/s (Ø 2,0 – 12,0)

Filter efficiency
5 – 10 μm

Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Metallo Duro Integrale

Brazed drills

10 – 20 mm2/s

Filter efficiency
10 – 20 μm

Surface finish

Thanks to its peculiar geometry, a gun drill enables to achieve a very high quality with regard to surface finish of the hole. This outcome can further be improved by using specific construction geometries. The table shows values that can be obtained by using a tool with a standard geometry.

ToleranceTwist drillingReamingBroachingHoningDeep hole drillingArithmetical mean

Hole runout

Approximate runout values under deep-hole drilling conditions on machines with drill bush.

Silmax Gun Grafico Scentratura Punte A Cannone
Legend X

Drilling depth in mm

Legend Y

Runout in mm

Legend Dot Yellow

Stationary work piece

Legend Dot Gray 400

Counter-rotating work piece

Working parameters for brazed gun drill

Parametri Di Lavoro Per Punte A Cannone Saldobrasate

Working parameters for carbide gun drills

Parametri Di Lavoro Per Punte A Cannone In Metallo Duro

1. Cast iron
Vc=80 m/min

2. Light alloys
Vc=120 m/min

3. Aluminium
Vc=130 m/min

4. Steel <800N/mm²
Vc=85 m/min

5. Ferritic / Martensitic steel
Vc=55 m/min

6. Austenitic steel
Vc=45 m/min

7. Steel <1300N/mm²
Vc=70 m/min

8. Titanium
Vc=40 m/min

9. Austenitic steel
Vc=40 m/min

Drilling with pilot drill

Silmax Gun Foratura Con Punta Pilota Fase 1

1. Execution of pilot holes

We recommend the use of Silmax carbide drills Art. 3031A. Depth required for pilot hole: 1.5 x D.

Silmax Gun Foratura Con Punta Pilota Fase 2

2. Entry into pilot holes and drilling cycle

Enter with gun drill on spindle rotating in the counter-clockwise direction at a maximum of 100 rpm and F 1000mm/min. Set up at +5mm from the end of pilot hole and start coolant. Reverse the direction of rotation and execute drilling cycle according to working parameters.

Silmax Gun Foratura Con Punta Pilota Fase 3

3. Exit from hole

At the end of the cycle, move tool back to the starting point at F5000 mm/min, reverse rotation and exit at 100 rpm and F1000 mm/min.

Cutting-edge geometry

La geometria standard Silmax è stata appositamente studiata per permettere di forare un ampio spettro di materiali con risultati ottimali. Tuttavia nelle situazioni particolari come per esempio materiali a truciolo lungo o difficilmente truciolabili, siamo in grado di realizzare soluzioni specifiche di geometria intervenendo su forma e affilatura oppure con eventuale creazione del romitruciolo sul filo tagliente. Nelle fasi di riaffilatura dell’utensile si consiglia di rispettare le indicazioni riportate nelle tabelle presenti. Un utensile accuratamente affilato sarà sempre al massimo delle prestazioni.

Standard grind section for single-lip drills up to 5 mm

GUN Geometria Taglienti 07

Step 1

Axis A: 40°
Axis B: +25°
Axis C: +12°
Meas.: > D/4

GUN Geometria Taglienti 08

Step 2

Axis A: 30°
Axis B: +20°
Axis C: -7°
Meas.: D/4

GUN Geometria Taglienti 09

Step 3

Axis A: 35°
Axis B: +20°
Axis C: +55°

GUN Geometria Taglienti 10

Step 4

Axis A:
Axis B: +38°
Axis C:

GUN Geometria Taglienti 11

Step 5

Twist the single-lip drill lightly around the circumference
without damaging the guide chamfer.

Afffilatura Standard Per Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Fino A 5mm

Standard grind section for single-lip drills with Ø = 5 to 30 mm

GUN Geometria Taglienti 01

Step 1*

Axis A: -30°
Axis B: +12°
Axis C: +5°
Meas.: > D/4

GUN Geometria Taglienti 02

Step 2*

Axis A: 30°
Axis B: +20°
Axis C: +6,5°
Meas: 0,3…0,5

GUN Geometria Taglienti 03

Step 3

Axis A: +20°
Axis B: +12°
Axis C: -5°
Meas.: D/4

GUN Geometria Taglienti 04

Step 4

Axis A: 30°
Axis B: +12°
Axis C: +55°

GUN Geometria Taglienti 05

Step 5

Axis A:
Axis B: +25°
Axis C: -5°

GUN Geometria Taglienti 06

Step 6

Twist the single-lip drill lightly around the circumference without damaging the guide chamfer.

(*) Set Axis C such that the chamfer during the second pass is parallel to the chip face. The width of the chamfer is the same as that of the circular grinding chamfer.

Affilatura Standard Per Punte A Cannone Monotaglienti Con Diametro Da 5 A 30mm
GUN Codoli

Clamping sleeves

Silmax can develop customised solutions based on a drawing or a sample supplied by customers.

Range of standard clamping sleeves


GUN Codolo DM


GUN Codolo IFE


GUN Codolo IFA


GUN Codolo IFE


GUN Codolo VDI

6535 HA

GUN Codolo 6535HA

1835 E

GUN Codolo 1835 E

6535 HE

GUN Codolo 6535 HE

6535 HB

GUN Codolo 6535 HB

6535 HB

GUN Codolo 6535 HB Alt

Range of clamping sleeves for solid carbide drills

6535 PHA

GUN Codolo 6535 PHA

6535 PHB

GUN Codolo 6535 PHB

6535 PHE

GUN Codolo 6535 PHE

1835 PFE

GUN Codolo 1835 PFE

5320 TBN

GUN Codolo 5320 TBN

Standard contour shapes

GUN Forme Perimetrali SA001

First choice for drills with long drill head and optimised contour geometry for drilling under difficult conditions, such as intersections and situations where cooling lubricant is insufficient.

GUN Forme Perimetrali SC001

Special geometry specifically studied for drilling when high precision and high-quality surface finish are required. Available on request.

GUN Forme Perimetrali SG060

Standard geometry suitable for drilling most materials.

GUN Forme Perimetrali SD045

Specific geometry studied for soft materials, such as for example grey cast iron, graphite, etc. used when it is necessary to maintain reduced drilling tolerances. Available on request.

Super Offer for Mold End Mills!

Super offer on tools 1142, 7725, 7725S, 7726, 7726S, 07210, 06210, 07220 and 06220 from the Mold line.


Order Now

Promotion valid up to 31/12/2025.
+39 0123 940301 [email protected]
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