Gun drills and accessories

Deep drilling

In the field of deep hole drilling, single-flute gun drills are an excellent combination between superior performance and versatility, allowing to obtain holes with an outstanding surface quality, while, at the same time, maintaining reduced tolerances and limited drifts of the hole around
the drill axis.

Gun drills are used in a variety of fields, including the medical, automotive, aerospace, mould&die sectors, as well as that of general mechanics. The deep hole drilling process using gun drills is not limited to specific machines for this type of process, but it can also be applied to modern CNC milling and turning machines. Under all conditions of use, the basic features that are typical of gun drills are almost unchanged compared to other similar solutions.

Super Offer for Mold End Mills!

Super offer on tools 1142, 7725, 7725S, 7726, 7726S, 07210, 06210, 07220 and 06220 from the Mold line.


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Promotion valid up to 31/12/2025.
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